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Promoting health

Promoting health

Health promotion has been a traditional area of intervention for IRESCO since its creation. IRESCO’s efforts are focused on the fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and to some extent cholera.

IRESCO works for universal access to HIV prevention, care and support. While maintaining the young population as the core target of its interventions, IRESCO carries out prevention actions in favor of vulnerable and high-risk groups such as orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), female sex workers, men who have sex with men, truckers and prisoners. Through its actions, IRESCO has (1) increased access to HIV testing and promoted the withdrawal of results, which is central to prevention, treatment, care and support strategies; (2) promoted HIV and AIDS risk reduction behaviors among youth. Hundreds of thousands of pamphlets, posters, comic books, and magazines were produced and distributed nationwide. In addition, spots and microprograms in French, English and local languages were produced and broadcast nationwide.

Regarding malaria, IRESCO is at the heart of the fight in Cameroon. In accordance with the national strategic plan and with the objective of contributing to the achievement of the MDGs by 2015, IRESCO places particular emphasis on sensitizing the population to the systematic use of impregnated mosquito nets and promoting intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) among pregnant women. Its priority targets are pregnant women and children under 5 years of age. Through community mobilization, production and distribution of educational materials, sanitation of living environments, IRESCO has strongly contributed to the reinforcement of home-based management campaigns of simple cases of malaria, launched by the Ministry of Public Health of Cameroon.

One of IRESCO’s priorities is to reduce cholera, which has been endemic in Cameroon for several decades, often breaking out when conditions are right. IRESCO is part of the "Communication and Social Mobilization" sub-committee within the Cholera Coordination and Control Center (C4) of the Central Region. IRESCO has sensitized the populations on this disease and has contributed to determine the most effective and prompt control strategies against the disease.


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TEL : +237 222 311 014 / 222 319 778
FAX : +237 222 319 778
B.P : 13 888 Yaoundé, Cameroun
Siège social Yaoundé, Immeuble Situé après la Brigade de Gendarmerie de Mendong
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